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We all know Black Friday, Super Saturday, and Cyber Monday, but have you ever heard of GivingTuesday?  

GivingTuesday is a movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity. The global GivingTuesday network collaborates to inspire generosity around the world, with a common mission to build a world where generosity is part of everyday life. Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to give.

As GivingTuesday 2024 quickly draws nearer, the Broad Ripple Record Club would love to introduce you to the movement, share how we plan to be involved, and invite you to join in, tool!

Check back every Tuesday until the BIG DAY to hear more!



  • Sun, Oct 27
    5428 Central Avenue, Indianapolis, IN
    Oct 27, 2024, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    5428 Central Avenue, Indianapolis, IN
    You'll never find someone quite like David Berman. Make no mistake, while this album was written plainly, it's nowhere close to simple. Join us on 10/27 as we sift through the tangle of Berman's creativity, addiction, and depression, and gain a surprising encouragement for our road ahead.
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  • Ed Sheeran: "Subtract"
    Ed Sheeran: "Subtract"




Too busy, anxious, tired, burned out, disconnected, lonely, depressed, stuck. These self-descriptions are all on the rise. Indiana ranks 35th in the nation in overall health, and 43rd when it comes to mental health.


The Broad Ripple Record Club was established in 2023 in Indianapolis to do our part in helping turn the tide - both personally and in our city at large. Now a 501(c)(3) organization, we're committed to taking a public-facing stand to help our families, friends, and community slow down, connect, and play!

  • Slow Down: While the pace of our culture continues to speed up, the Broad Ripple Record Club has a growing value of slowing down. With so much right in front of us to experience, the club is reluctant to let the most important parts of our lives just pass us by. We’re dedicated to offering regular ways to intentionally slow down and take in the people and things we love most – family, friends, community, and music. Through the inherent, tangible, and intentional nature of listening to records, we’ve found we can actually enjoy who we love most by doing something we love most!

  • Connect: In addition to the physical actions of setting up a record player, hooking up the speakers, and lowering the needle, we've seen that setting aside a time to slow down and listen to music invites regular and meaningful relational connection. The deterioration of families, increasing reports of loneliness and depression, and ongoing racial struggles all support the fact that our connections can easily and frequently be broken. We value fostering and maturing stronger connections with our families, friends, community, cultures, and environment. 


  • Play: Studies show the best education often comes through play. We want to create an enjoyable, safe space for all ages where natural discoveries can be made. Who are these artists we’re listening to? What was the context of the creation of their music? What does the music mean? What does the music mean to us? What might we be inspired to do about it? Can we do something together? The more we play, the more we learn. And the more we learn, the more we play!


Thank you! We'll respond as soon as possible!

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